Drove to Swan Hill, beating the Melbourne afternoon rush hour. Silence. Sunset. My Touch of Country Melancholy playlist singing “Mama’s don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys” and “In my mind I’m gone to Carolina.” Checked in to the hotel by 7:30 pm and walked the streets of Swan Hill, finding the river and the safeway in the darkness.
Awkward family fish photo. Hello Swan Hill
Started bump in at 7am at the Swan Hill Town Hall, impressing the venue crew as usual with Luke and Christy’s ability to carry the whole set into the theatre with only two loads. Once we were all in and had programmed the lights, Tim, the techie, said “This is the second best set I’ve ever seen.” We laughed and had to ask who the best was.
“Play school,” was his firm reply.
40 minutes before the show I realised that Die Roten Punkte had been there the night before as part of comedy roadshow. 
Die Roten Punkte - a peice of german rock gold
Facebooked Dan and, like a miracle, he showed up at the theatre just in time for the show.
It went well. A real mix of high school, primary school, special school kids. One boy who did low-level groaning the whole way through. I wondered for a moment if the sound system had a problem and then realised what was happening. Made me think of Mark Haddon. Lots of sweet interactions and questions at the end in the question and answer session.
Dan came up with a big smile and we made a lunch plan where we met Clare also. Compared touring notes (the differences between touring evening comedy and morning childrens shows) and told hilarious stories about our adventures.
Spent the afternoon op-shopping our little hearts out: Vinnies, Salvos, the Red Cross, the RSPCA. Some serious quality to be had.
Swan Hill op shop haul
Time to write and read and watch movies this evening. Time to strategies about our lives and the company. Feels luxurious.