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Monday, May 9, 2011

shep to colac

Breakfast back at Fryers where the café staff get even lovelier. We talk Bubblewrap. The letters. If we were going to edit them, how would they? What is the purpose of each letter? The monkey letter is about connection – it’s the moment the two characters first connect. But then Christy says something else, she says it’s like a message to the adults in the audience, to trust us, we’re making something for them as well.

Luke drives us to Colac. Straight through Melbourne and out the other side. It’s funny to see the city and get on the ring road and be so close to home but not stopping. Christy dj’s an amazing retrospective set on her i-phone. Sinead O’Connor, Bjork, the Cranberries

I have this sense of Victoria, tangling and rolling out around us. The Murray, Campaspie, Goulbourn, Loddon. The left over flood damage, the irrigation ditches, the land sales on the edge of the city. I forgot that a regional tour would give me a bigger sense of the country I live in.

Old postcard of Lake Colac. Thanks Wikipedia

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