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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

a small room and a small fence

I spend the morning moving into the accommodation Joh and Odette and I will share with two new friends we found on gumtree. It’s two bedrooms and the plan was that I live in the sunroom. But disaster struck yesterday when I spoke to the landlord. I texted Joh: “THERE IS NO SUNROOM!!! Arghh! we are losers! There is a pergola so maybe I get a mozzie net and sleep in the backyard…” We talked hilariously on the phone, laughing about me making a bed behind the couch or sleeping in the outside toilet.

But there is something a little like a sunroom – maybe more like a lighting well.

The Ailsa-bed.

Inspired by the tiny house movement. I like the process of making a small space mine.

We bump in and tech Kapow this afternoon. We’re performing in the Umbrella Revolution, a 250 seater venue. 

Kapow’s home for the next 5 weeks

Our techs, Alison and Nat are the kind of ladies who don’t think anything is too hard. Alison sees me struggling from across the tent and runs to help. Nat shrugs and says, "no problem." Eyes on the ball.

The one issue is the fence. The plot of Kapow really requires us to have a fence that we can’t get over or go around. We have never performed the show in a venue this large without wings. Our fence which looms and blocks our way fabulously on a small stage is kind of like a joke in the Umbrella Revolution.

How do we get our bear from the other side??

Luke is full of enormous schemes: “We’ll buy 5x2 meters of fabric and paint a fence on it tomorrow. Or I’ll build a whole second section so this fence is a corner and looks more like you can't get round it.” I think about how many hours, how many big missions and how many late nights Luke has done to get this thing happening. I think about him saying, “maybe on Friday we can just chill.” It makes my insides sink thinking about him having to do another big job to make it work.

Plus we are running out of time to plot the lights and make sure we’ve done a cue to cue before 5pm.

Luke measures the space we somehow need to fill and Christy sits with Alison at the lighting desk bringing up colours and checking heights of lights. I sit on the grass pumping up beach balls and moving where Christy needs me to so she can check lights.

The cue to cue is a winner because our techs are awesome and we pedal home past the traffic jams. Home to my new house where Odette is on a crawling adventure down the corridor with her bright smile and Joh looks has been arranging toys and a cot in her new room.

Tomorrow we find a fence solution (eee!) and try to remember the show…

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