clicking the picture of luke and christy takes you to the Asking for Trouble website

Are you here because you want to read about studying Clown with Monsieur Gaulier in Paris? Go to July 2011 and start at the bottom with 'first day of clown school'

Thursday, July 1, 2010

clown school in paris

Luke and Christy are planning to go to clown school in Paris. Train with Gaulier. I want to go too. I want catch the Trans Siberian and then live in an apartment in Paris and go to clown school every day. While Luke cooks dinner and Christy does Asking for Trouble business I look at apartments to rent in Paris and sing Ertha Kitt songs in my head

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Paris, I'll come visit and we can drink strong coffee in Montmarte, eat cake and watch the pretty, weird Parisians float by. Bxxx
