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Are you here because you want to read about studying Clown with Monsieur Gaulier in Paris? Go to July 2011 and start at the bottom with 'first day of clown school'

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Malthouse Cafe

We gather at the Malthouse café. First Luke and Christy and I with butcher’s paper and coffee and a laptop - to write an agenda and plan the meeting. Then, slowly, the rest of the show team following hard on their “5 mins late” texts. Amanda bubbling with costume ideas, clear about her timelines and pushing little Tarlo in a pram. Ania with chilly cheeks from the cycling and a bit concerned about her ability to make sound while on tour with Oz. Jak, the painter/illustrator who knows the least about the project; tall, quiet, listening. Kate comes last of all, friendly, in a hurry, laughing, introducing herself around the circle. Timelines, budgets, brainstorms, ideas. Christy holds Tarlo while Amanda talks costume, Jak asks questions and Luke talks about the set.

Bringing everyone together makes the project feel real. Christy and I smile at each other on the tram as we leave, “that was a good thing to do.”

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